Choose to spend less time looking at screens today

 I spend quite a lot of time on screens. Probably too much. So, in recent years, I’ve been reading books (paperback books!) to find out why it’s so addictive and ways to reduce time on screen.

If you think you are part of the majority that spends most of your day on screens, and would like to take to reduce your screen time, try some of these tips.

Take a moment to reflect, or measure, the amount of time you spend looking at screens on a daily basis - whether it's your phone, computer, or television. Consider how often screens may be dominating your attention, and how easy it is to become disconnected from the world around you as a result.

Today's mindful minute invites you to choose to spend less time looking at screens, and to be more present and engaged with the world around you.

Need more help? Read on.

Going Deeper

Here are some tips to help you spend less time looking at screens:

  • Establish screen-free zones: Consider designating certain areas or times of day as screen-free zones. This could be your bedroom, meal times, or the hour before bed. I like to use walks as screen-free time these days. Use this as an opportunity to disconnect from screens and reconnect with the world around you.

  • Practice digital minimalism: Take a look at the apps, notifications, and subscriptions on your devices, and consider which ones are truly essential. Remove any that aren't serving you or contributing to your well-being, and use this as an opportunity to simplify your digital life. I tried this for 30 days, following the advice from the book ‘Digital Minimalism’. It was a good experiment!

  • Engage in screen-free activities: Consider engaging in activities that don't involve screens, such as reading a book, going for a walk, or playing a board game with friends or family. Use this as an opportunity to connect with the world around you and cultivate a greater sense of presence and mindfulness. I have gone back to reading paperback books to help me with this.

  • Take a digital break: Consider taking a break from screens altogether for a day, or even just a few hours. Switch off devices. Use this as an opportunity to be more present and engaged with the world around you, and notice how it affects your mood, energy, and sense of well-being. For some people, Saturdays or Sundays can work well for this.

  • Lock your devices in a box: You can buy boxes with timers, and the box doesn’t open until the time is up. I’ve tried this and it works quite well for me! I set a timer for a couple of hours, and whilst my phone is locked away, I can focus on writing these emails or doing some other activity.

Personally, I’ve found reading books like ‘Digital Minimalism’ by Newport and ‘Focus’ by Hari to be helpful. There are many others too. Check them out if you’re glued to your screen too often. I’ve read research to show even reducing your daily screen time by 30 mins to an hour has a positive impact on your mental health.


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