عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2017
The World of Abundance and of Scarci
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Written by Robert Kiyosaki Which world do you see? Last week, I wrote about the financial genius of Amazon.com . In that article, I talked about how Amazon’s habit of spending their operating income on investments was the blueprint for how to get rich. Savers are losers; spenders are winners. Over the last week, Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods continued to dominate the financial headlines. But perhaps you might have missed an interesting side story. In a move that almost nobody could have predicted back in the mid-90s when Amazon was just starting up as an online bookseller, the acquisition of Whole Foods now makes them one of Walmart’s biggest and most dangerous competitors. Amazon’s big (data) advantage As Kevin Maney writes for RawStory , the combination of user data and operational efficiencies that Amazon has put into place make them much more likely to dominate Walmart in the retail space than Walmart’s acquisitions of companies like online clot...
Five Reasons to Make Friends with Expats When You Live Abroad
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Getting to know the local people and culture while living abroad is important but sometimes maintaining expat friendships with people from your home country can really be an advantage. InterNations member Karina recounts how staying in touch with other Columbian expats helped her feel at home abroad. Living abroad brings many challenges. One of them is looking for the best way to adapt to a new culture whilst maintaining your identity; this includes getting used to different people, different weather, and sometimes learning a new language. In addition to this entire package you have to rebuild your social life because your family and your friends are not there anymore. In this process I have noticed that it’s very positive to be in touch with expats, especially with expats from your own country. It is also very important to integrate with the locals, in my case with Germans, to learn about the culture, to improve my language and to be part of society. However, in this...
How Expat Friendships Can Save the World and Your Health
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The United Nations has chosen 30 July as the International Day of Friendship. On this day, we should "cultivate as many warm relationships as possible, enriching our own lives and enhancing the future", according to Ban Ki Moon. InterNations member Nina explains why expat friendships are so important. The more cynical among us might view Friendship Day as a ploy by public relations gurus, greeting card companies and gift stores to make us spend more money. Mind you, if we honor our moms on Mother’s Day and our dads on Father’s Day, then surely we should spare a thought for our best buddies? After all, family life is a lottery — some win, some lose. Some are lucky enough to be born into fantastic, loving relationships, others less so. Friends, on the other hand, we seek out precisely because we need them. This is especially true for expats. On every new foreign assignment we face the unknown, perhaps with trepidation, perhaps with fear, perhaps with excitement. It...
The Greatest Reasons to Love Life Abroad
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Why do you love expat life? Is it because the world has become your office? Because every day is an adventure? Or because you enjoy discovering new things about our planet and its people? expatriates in store. Expat Life: The Chance to Reinvent Yourself “I love expat life,” our final favorite Apple says, “because I get to reinvent myself over and over, adapting to new countries and cultures every time.” Apple’s self-described “nomadic existence” began when she was merely four weeks old. Born to an Australian mother and a British father, she spent her childhood in Nigeria, the UK, Australia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea. After attending a secretarial college in England, she succumbed to her wanderlust again, covering almost every continent with her husband: before (more or less) settling in Houston and the US Virgin Islands, she used to live in Trinidad and Tobago, Singapore, Scotland, and Equatorial Guinea. Her two children were born in Thaila...
[ مناقشة ] دورة استخدام الايباد في التعليم ( معلمات ) وكل من تريد الاستفادة
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محاور الورشة : 1-مقدمه عن الايباد وماهو. 2-الفرق بين الايباد واللاب توب. 3-برامج Microsoft office,وما يقابلها من APP ( i****) 4-مزايا استخدام الايباد في التدريس.( نظرة على ايباد برو ) 5-اقسام تطبيقات الايباد.واستخدام الايباد في تفعيل الاستراتيجيات . كيفية توصيل الايباد بالبروجكتر . 6-أشهر البرامج المستخدمه في التدريس حول العالم. 7-التدريب على استخدام بعض التطبيقات المهمه (سيتم الاتفاق معكم على ثلاثه برامج لشرحها ) مقدمة : إن الربط القوي بين أساليب التعليم وأساليب الحياة هو جانب مهم في العملية التعليمية لذلك لابد أن يتم استخدام التقنية الحديثة بطريقة وظيفيه في كافة جوانب العملية التعليمية في ( البحث عن المعلومة , وتنظيمها , وعرضها بشكل جيد , وتعميق العلاقة بين الطالب والأستاذ وبين الطالب وزملائه وجعل الطالب شريكا في إعداد المواد العلمية وتطويرها . ) وفي هذه الورشة سنحاول الربط بين التقنية وأساليب التدريس عن طريق استخدام الايباد او الايفون واللذان يعتبران من اهم أساليب الحياة العصرية .ان من أهم اهدف هذه الورشه اثارة اهتمام المعلمات باستخدام الايباد في التدريس والبح...
Destinations? The 2017 Mercer Cost of Living Survey
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The Ten Most Expensive Expat Towns Worldwide In the top 10 of the 23rd Mercer Cost of Living survey, there’s hardly anything new under the sun. Eight out of ten cities were also featured among last year’s ten most expensive expatriate destinations worldwide. Rather unsurprisingly, the highest living expenses for expat executives are due in Luanda, the capital of resource-rich Angola. The country is still suffering from the lack of proper infrastructure after a protracted civil war (1975–2002) and needs to import most of its consumer goods. Luanda is followed by the “usual suspects”: Hong Kong, Tokyo, Zurich, Singapore, Seoul, Geneva, Shanghai, New York City, and Bern. Basically, it’s Swiss cities and East Asian metropolises all over again. Even Seoul and NYC, the only destinations not to appear in the 2016 top 10, were listed among the 15 costliest cities last year. No matter whether you are longing for a view of Lake Zurich and the Alps, of brightly lit Tokyo Tower at d...
( دورة عملية ) التجارة الالكترونية ..
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كل منا له افكار وطموحات قد يطلق لها المجال فتنتطلق وتكبر وتثمر , واحيانا كثيرة تتلاشى وياتى الصباح فتدور دوامة الحياة كما كانت وتنتهى الاحلام اخر الليل ... كم مرة حلمتى بالحصول على عمل مريح له عائد كبير .. بعيد عن سلطة المديرة او مضايقات الزميلات . . عمل تكونى فيه حرة نفسك .. 90% ممن يعملون في وظائف مختلفة يعانون من ضغوط العمل وكثرته مع قلة العائد وتاخير المرتب 77% يحتاجون الى فترات راحة او اجازة اضافية ولا يسمح لهم العمل بذلك .. التجارة الالكترونية عبر الانترنت .. الامر فيها مختلف .. تصبحي انت صاحبة العمل وانت الموظفة .. تعملي بهمه وحب ونشاط لتنمى عملك وترضي زبائنك .. تختاري المنتج الذي تحبيه لتعملي فيه وتربحي منه .. تحددي اجازتك وراحتك في الوقت الذي تريديه ... ما اروع العمل على الانترنت ... في هذه الدورة سوف انقل لك – عزيزتى - خبرتى وخبرات الكثيرات ممن حققن الربح من الانترنت , ولتعلمى ان التسويق الالكترونية هى المستقبل القادم وبقوة ان شاء الله بدون شهادات ولا مؤهلات ولا واسطات ولا التقيد بمكان ولا وقت ولا اي شروط ولا ضوابط ولتحقيق ذلك الا...